More cold weather is on its way this weekend. Taking steps to prepare now can help make weathering colder temperatures more bearable:
– Prepare supplies in advance. Replace flashlight batteries and have bottled water and nonperishable food items available.
– Check generators now. Be sure you know how to operate your generator safely, have a proper disconnect switch installed by a licensed electrician and have fuel and oil on hand. Keep generators safely away from your home or garage to ensure exhaust fumes do not enter buildings.
– Customers with medical necessities for electricity may consider a backup plan in the event of a power outage. This may include a backup source for power or staying at another location.
– Collect firewood or ensure you have fuel for any safe alternative heat source.
– Decrease your energy use. Consider lowering your thermostat a few degrees, opening blinds during the day to allow sunshine in (don’t forget to close them at night), using small appliances like crockpots to cook meals and unplugging any unnecessary or unused electronics.
– Know Southern Pioneer’s outage reporting number: 1 (866) 668-8800