Liberal Rec to Purchase New Basketball Machine with H.U.G.S. and CoBank Grants

Liberal, Kansas – Southern Pioneer’s H.U.G.S. (Helping Us Give to Society) team presented Liberal Recreation with a $2,900 grant on Nov. 11. The grants will fund the purchase of a new Shoot-A-Way basketball machine. The department also received a $3,000 grant from CoBank’s Sharing Success Program that matches the charitable contributions of its customers.

Matt Quint, the recreation center’s director, said the basketball machine engages athletes in numerous ways.

“The Shoot-A-Way basketball machine can rebound the ball for players, keep track of misses and makes and even teach you to shoot with the perfect arch,” said Quint. “There is also a leaderboard element to the machine that can turn making shots into a competition.”

The Liberal Recreation Department offers open gym time every day to anyone in the community free of charge. The Shoot-A-Way basketball machine will be available to anyone who utilizes the facility.

Southern Pioneer funds its H.U.G.S. team through recycled materials. Pieces of steel, aluminum, or copper taken out of service are recycled and turned into funds for community-focused projects. As funds become available, Southern Pioneer Electric seeks our projects to fund within its service territory. More information regarding the program can be found on Southern Pioneer’s website

CoBank and Southern Pioneer H.U.G.S. Grants Aid Library Expansion Project

Medicine Lodge, KS – Representatives from Southern Pioneer Electric met at the Lincoln Library on Nov. 4, 2021 to present a $1,500 grant through Southern Pioneer’s Helping Us Give to Society (H.U.G.S.) program. Funds from the grants will assist the Library in purchasing office furniture for its recently remodeled technology center. The library also received an additional $1,500 in matching funds through CoBank’s Sharing Success program.

Currently housed in the existing library, the technology center offers visitors computers and internet access for printing, tutoring, video conferencing, applying for jobs and more.

“The technology center is truly a benefit to all of our patrons,” said Doris Sorg, Lincoln Library’s director. “The addition of new seating will ensure that anyone using the Library’s computers will be able to work comfortably.”

Funds from the H.U.G.S. grant will also help the library purchase a rocking chair for its multi-purpose room and storage room shelving, giving employees access to supplies during the programs hosted by the library.

“The success of the Lincoln Library’s expansion project is already visible,” said Anita Wendt, vice president of Energy Services for Southern Pioneer. “The money from Co-Bank’s Sharing Success grant and H.U.G.S. will aid them in their quest to provide an essential service to the community. We are excited to see how they grow their services once equipped with quality seating for visitors.”

H.U.G.S. Grant Provides Funds for Cunningham Fire Department Radios

Southern Pioneer Electric presented the Cunningham Fire Department with $1,500 in H.U.G.S. (Helping Us Give to Society) grant on November 4, 2021. The fire department will use the money to purchase a Motorola APX 900 7/800 MHz handheld radio compatible with the Kansas State 7/800 MHz radio system for use during mutual aid and fire calls.

“Cell phones work, but this radio will make it easier,” said Harold Stark, Cunningham fire chief. “Because we provide mutual aid assistance to other counties, we wanted something that would work no matter where we are called to assist.”

The new portable radio can be used in any of the department’s three tanker trucks. The department says the radio will aid in communicating while locating water sources during emergencies.

“The addition of this radio will be a huge benefit to the emergency responders,” said Ruby Terrazas, energy services coordinator for Southern Pioneer Electric and H.UG.S. team member. “They will be able to relay information quickly and receive orders in a timely manner.”

Southern Pioneer Electric’s H.U.G.S. grants are available to projects that focus on improving the communities within the utility’s service territory. An online application, and additional information about the program, can be found online at

Southern Pioneer Electric Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pioneer Electric Cooperative, is headquartered out of Ulysses, Kansas. Southern Pioneer Electric Company has local offices in Liberal and Medicine Lodge, Kansas. Southern Pioneer Electric Company serves approximately 17,200 customers and operates in 10 counties and 34 communities. Southern Pioneer Electric Company’s service territory stretches east from Liberal to Medicine Lodge and north to Kingman and back west to Greensburg, Kansas. Southern Pioneer Electric Company is dedicated to providing customers with safe and reliable electric service. For more information about the HUGS program, please contact Vice President of Energy Services, Anita Wendt. (Phone: 620.424.5271 and E-mail: