Southern Pioneer Provides Safety Resources

Whether it’s at work, school or out in the yard, a healthy respect and understanding for how electricity works, and the potential hazards it possesses, is imperative. As your electric service provider, Southern Pioneer Electric believes in providing our customers with resources to help keep them safe and informed. From our comprehensive online safety database to our in-person demonstrations, we’re able to promote a healthy respect for electricity.

The Safety Knowledge Database on our website is available to customers at any time. The database includes graphics that provide detailed information in an easy-to-understand format for topics ranging from safely operating farm equipment to home generator safety; answers to many common questions about electricity, its hazards and working around it can be found with a simple click.

Southern Pioneer also offers two types of in-person demonstrations suitable for a variety of audiences. Our tabletop demonstration (ideal for elementary-age students and classroom settings) provides a base understanding of how electricity is present in our daily lives. The demonstration helps to build an early understanding of electricity, how it works and why it’s important to exercise caution around it.

Customers seeking a more in-depth understanding of electricity and its potential hazards may be interested in our Safety Demonstration Trailer. The trailer features a small-scale utility display that looks at various scenarios throughout the demonstration. The safety trailer is ideal for larger groups and events.

All of these electrical safety resources are available to customers for free. Those interested in booking a demonstration may call Southern Pioneer at 1-800-794-9302 during regular business hours.

Balloons Present Hazards for Power Lines

Graduation season is upon us and, as with many other types of celebrations, you may be thinking about celebrating with mylar or metallic balloons. These shiny and colorful decorations brighten any celebration but can quickly leave you in the dark if not used and disposed of properly.

“When metallic balloons come into contact with power lines, it can get in between the energized conductor and the neutral wire and cause an arc,” explained Clint Meier, Vice President of Engineering and Operations for Southern Pioneer Electric. “When this happens, it can shut the line off – creating an interruption in service.”

Balloon contact with power lines has other consequences, too. Sparks from the balloon’s contact can create a fire and ignite debris on the ground. Current drought conditions could exacerbate the potential of fires spreading rapidly.

Any time balloons or other debris become tangled in lines, crews must remove it as soon as possible. If the balloon does not create a service interruption, crews may have to initiate one to remove anything from the line safely.

Meier also explained that conditions worsen when balloons encounter substations – where power from transmission lines is stepped down and distributed to consumers. When balloons come into contact with the confined space of a substation, the potential for more extensive (and expensive) damage occurs.

“You may also be faced with a larger, more widespread service interruption if it comes from a substation instead of a pole,” said Meier.

Balloons aren’t the only thing than can become tangled in power lines; kites also present a safety and reliability concern.

“Kites are a concern because you’re connected to them,” said Meier. “Electricity will always find the quickest path to ground; if you’re holding on to a kite that becomes tangled in a power line, and if the conditions are just right, power could travel down the kite string and into you.”

Whether it’s balloons or kites, there are safety considerations for both:

  • Keep metallic balloons inside and never intentionally release balloons.
  • Always tie balloons down or use a weight.
  • Deflate balloons when you’re finished with them and dispose of them properly.
  • Never fly balloons or kites near power lines.
  • Contact Southern Pioneer if balloons or kites become tangled in power lines or substations. Never attempt to remove objects from power lines.

“Public safety is always our number one concern,” said Meier. “The best thing you can do if you see balloons or kites in a power line is contact our office immediately. Our crews are trained to handle the situation and will work to resolve the issue as quickly and safely as possible.”

To report balloons, kites or other objects in power lines call Southern Pioneer at 1-800-670-4381. Customers can also call our outage and emergency reporting lines at 620-624-7309, 1-866-668-8800 (toll free) or by using the “Contact Us” feature through the SmartHub App.

Southern Pioneer Electric passes through $630,000 in credits for billing adjustments related to Winter Storm Uri.

Southern Pioneer Electric is passing through credits for billing adjustments from Sunflower Electric Power Corporation related to February 2021’s Winter Storm Uri to consumers in March 2023 billings. This pass-through credit will be reflected in the Energy Cost Adjustment (ECA) on consumers’ upcoming bills. The credits are the result of market settlements and billing adjustments related to the wholesale power and generation costs during the event.

The unprecedented winter storm event provided the cooperative with a $17-20 million addition to its February 2021 wholesale power bill. To recover costs incurred by the cooperative,  Southern Pioneer implemented a “Storm Uri Recovery Charge” to amortize these costs over 36 months.

Sunflower Electric has been tracking the cumulative cost adjustments (Southwest Power Pool market settlements, natural gas billing adjustments, etc.) since Winter Storm Uri occurred in February 2021. Since the risk of additional adjustments is minimal, Sunflower is crediting the current balance of the adjustments, approximately $630,000, with February’s billing to Southern Pioneer Electric. In return, the Southern Pioneer Electric Board approved to return of the credit to consumers through its March 2023 ECA.

“Winter Storm Uri was an unprecedented event that some consumers are still feeling the impact of,” said Vice President of Energy Services, Anita Wendt. “This passthrough is the result of our commitment to ensure any credits Southern Pioneer receives directly benefit our consumers.”

Consumers may direct questions regarding the credit pass-through to the Southern Pioneer Electric customer service team by calling 620-624-7433 or 866-668-8800.